IS:3867- 1966 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR RUBBER ICE BAGS ( First Reprint MARCH 1989 ) ( Reaffirmed 2012 ) UDC 615.832,94:678.4.06 @ Coprri%ght 1967 BUREAU MANAK OF BHAVAN, INDIAN STANDARDS ZAFAR,MARG 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 Gr 3 April 1967 JS : 3867- 1966 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR RUBBER ICE BAGS Rubber Chairman DR D. BANERJEE Products Sectional Committee, Representing CDC 6 National Rubber Manufacturers Ltd, Calcutta; and Associatiou of Rubber Manufacturers in India, CslcuttE Members The Dunlop Rubber Co ( India. ) Ltd, Calcutta SHRX P. K. BOSE SHRI S. MIJEHERJEE ( Alternate ) National Test House, Calcutta;, and Directorate SHRI R. C. DAS~UPTA General of Supplies & Disposals ( Ministry of Supply, Technical Development & Materials Planning ) SARI 9. P. MULLICK ( Alternafe ) Ministry of Defence ( DGI ) SHRI S. L. GANDHI Ministry of Defence ( R & D ) SHRI S. C. GANC+TJLI SIIRI B. K. DATTA GIJPTA ( Alternate ) Ministry of Defence ( R & D ) &RI K. K. GANCJULY Inspection Wing, Directorate General of Supplies SHRI S. R. KOCERAR BEDisposals (Ministry of Supply, Technical Developmeat & Materials Planning ) Hindustan Steel Ltd, Ranchi SHRI K. M. KUEERJA SRRI G. C. JAIN (Alternate ) Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (Marketing Division), SHRI R. C. KUKILLAYA Bombay _ The Cosmos India Rubber Works Private Ltd, SHRX LALIT MOHAN JAMNA~AS Bombay SHRI SHAM SUNDABR AZAD ( Alternate ) Indian Rubber Manufacturers Research AssooiaDR K. N. MODAK tion, Bombay; and All India Automohile 8: Ancillary Industries Association, Bombay I. C. I. ( India ) Private Ltd, Cnlcutta DR D. K. ROYCEAUDHURI DR B. B. BHATIA ( Alternate) Directorate General of Technical Development DR A. SEETHARAXIAH (Ministry of Supply, Technical Development, & Materials Planning ) DR N. V. C. RAO ( Alternate ) Indian Rubber Industries Association, Bombay Sam K. R. SENQUPTA SHRX B. BAEU ( Alternate ) ( Continued on puge 1) BUREAU MANAK OF BHAVAN, INDIAN 9 BAHrliDUR STANDARDS SHAH ZAFAR MARQ NEW DELHI 110002 IS:3867-l!m ( Continuedfrom page 1 ) Members SHBX M. C. SINOEAL Da N. H. SIVA~AX KRISHWAN Reilwey Representing Rubber Board, Kottayem Direator General, IS1 ( Ex-officio Member ) Secretatiy SHRI N. R. SEINIVA~AN Assistant Direotor Board ( Ministry of Railways ) DE SADGOPAL, Direotor ( Chem ) ( Chem), IS1 Medical Convener DB UYA SXANXAE Members Rubber Goods Subcommittee, Sweetik Rubber Products CDC 6 : 7 Ltd. Poons Sam V. D. PENDSE (Alternate to Dr Uma Shenkar ) Johnson & Johnson of India Ltd, Bombay DR 8. R. AQRAWAL Srrar V. N. NAOA~SENKAR ( Alternate ) I. C. I. ( India ) Private Ltd, Calcutta DII B. B. BHATIA Directorate General of Health Services ( Ministry 8aa1 S. K. BORKAR cf Health ) Bengal Waterproof Worke ( 1940 ) Ltd, Celautta SH~I D. BOSE SRRI A. BOSE ( Alternate ) Directorate General of Supplies & Dispoeals SRRI R. C. DA~~UPTA ( Ministry of Supply, Technical Development & Mteteriels Planning ) SHRI 8. P. MULLICK ( Alternate ) Ministry of Defenoe ( DO1 ) SHRI S. L. GANDHX Directorate General of Arme& Foroes Medical MAJ K. D: KAPOOR Services Induefrial Supplies Corporation, Bombay SHRI S. V. LATH~A Association, Small Scale Froducts Latex SHRI S. C. MOHAN New Delhi SIIRI R. K. DIIAWAX ( Alternote ) London Rubber Co ( India ) Ltd, Madres Sam S. W. NEWMAN SHRI S. A. PASEIA ( Alternate) Diroctornte General of Health Services ( Ministry SI~RI M. 0. PANDIT of Health ) DEPUTY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR HEAI,TH GENERAL or SERVICES ( Alrrrnate ) Rubbrex Industries Private Ltd, Bombay SHRI MANUBHAI M. T?ATEL. SARI K. 0. SUAH ( Alternafe ) Associotod Rubher Industries Ltd, 13havnagar SHRI W. 8. RAJADI~YAKW~A SHRI M. N. PATXAK ( Alfernute ) Family l'lunuing Association of India, lbnlbay REPRRSXNTATI~E 2 IS : 3867- 1966 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR RUBBER ICE BAGS 0. FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 5 August 1966, after the draft finalized by the Rubber Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division Council. 0.2 Rubber ice .bags are manufactured by moulding and press curing in the country, though these are occasionally hand-made from cut sheets of rubber, elsewhere. These bags are commonly manufactured in round shape and red colour. Of late, oval shape ice bags are also finding their way into the market which may become popular since these are generally applied on the forehead. This standard covers both the types of ice bags, 0.3 Apart from the test for reaction to aqueous extract, there are no other requirements prescribed in this standard preventing the use of such ingredients in compounding of rubber which may cause irritation, chafing or contact dermatitis to the skin cqming in contact due to the obvious difficulties in either prescribing the composition of rubber or prescribing detailed chemical or physiological tests. It is however recommended that only ingredients, free from harmful substances liable to cause irritation, chafing or contact dermatitis, be used in the manufacture bags. 0.4 In the preparation of this standard, considerable derived from the following publications: assistance has been T-47-121-1946 Caoutchouc Vessies a glace moulees (Rubber ice bags ). Association Francise de Normalization. B.S.. 1898 : 1952 Specification for rubber ice bags for the hospital use. British Standards Institution.. ZZ-B-0045 a-1963 Bag, ice, rubber. US Federal Supply Services. 0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular this standard is complied with, the final value;observed 3 requirement of or calculated, IS:3867-1966 expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-1960*. The number significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. of 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and tests for ice bags made from natural rubber or synthetic rubber, or a blend of the two. 2. TYPES 2.1 This specification covers two types of ice bags according shape and size, as follows: Type A Type B Round shape. Oval shape. to their 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 No cbmpounding ingredient shall be included which may be injurious or cause irritation to living human skin coming in contact with the finished bag. 3.2 The bags shall be round for type A and oval for type B with an opening in the centre for the closure and cap. The ice bags shall have smooth surfaces and all joitlts shall be made before vulcanization except the closure which may be fitted after vulcanization. The closures and caps shall be of non-rusting type. The closures shall have a groove on the outside, around its circumference. It shall be tightly and securely fixed to the mouth of the bag by two or more turns of galvanized mild steel wire, 0.45 to 0.47 mm, placed in line with groove. A layer of rubber-proofed fabric shall be placed between the rubber and wire and the whole neck&all finally be covered by a rubber sleeve. The rubberized fabric and, rubber sleeve shall be fixed using rubber solution and shall be of such size as to extend, throughout the height of the neck, up to the rim of the closure. The form and pitch of the screw threads on the cap and in the closure shall be such that the cap shall screw accurately along the whole length of the closure threads. The cap shaM be fitted with a suitable rubber washer. When the cap is screwed home, the flange of the cap shall press closely on to the rubber washer and provide a water-tight closure. The rubber of the sleeve and washer shall be of the same quality as that used in the body of the bag. *Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised). 4 ls:3lM7-M6 3.3 Colour -The and the supplier. colour shall be as agreed to between the purchaser NOTE - For the sake of uniformity reddish pink colour which .is generally assooitited with the ice bags used in hospitals, is recommended. 3.4 Dimensions 3.4.1 The type 1 material shall have a diameter of 200 & 6 mm and closure opening of 50.0 f 0.5 mm ( nominal ). The minimum thickness ( 7.1) of rubber of the body shall be 0.6 mm. 3.4.2 The type 2 material shall be oval in shape, shall have the external diameter along the major axis as 340 f 5 mm and minor axis as 185 f 3 mm and closure opening of 50.0 & 0.5 mm ( nominal ), The minimum thickness ( 7.1 ) of rubber of the body shall be 0.6 mm. A recommended shape and size for type 2 is given- in Fig. 1. washer and wall thickness of 3.4.3 The thickness (7.1 ) of rubber rubber sleeve shall be 1'5 to 2 mm. 3.5 Physical Properties of Rubber 3.5.1 Tensile Strength and Elongation at Break Before and After Ageing - Unaged and aged values of the rubber for tensile strength and elongation at break, shall not be less than those specified in Table 1. TABLE 1 REQUIREMENTS FOR PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF RUBBER CHABAOTERIBTIC I& (1) i) ii) iii) (2) Tensile strength, Min Elongation at break, Min Tension set, Max ORIGINAL VALUE BEFORE AGEING (3) 140 kg/cm' 500 percent 10 percent PEIWISSIBLE DEVIATION FBOM ORWNAL VALUE AFTER A~EING (4) - 20 percent - 20 percent + 0 percent 10 percent 3.6 The aqueous extract of the material when tested according to the method prescribed in 7.5 shall be neither acidic to methyl orange nor alkaline to phenolphthalein. 3.7 Leakage - The bag shall be leakproof method prescribed in 7.6. when tested according to the 3.8 Workmanship - The surface shall be free from pits and other imperfections which may &Cfect serviceability or appearance of the bags. 5 -12 mm -f -I 5&h --- 1 `3R (INSIDE) 234 340 4.2 mm THICK All dimsnsione Fm. 4. MARKING 1 in millimetres. A TYPICAL RUBBER ICE BAO ( OVAL SHAPE ) 4.1 Each ice bag shall be legibly marked with the following particulars: a) Manufacturer's name or trade-mark, b) Month and year of manufacture. and 4.1.1 Ice bags may also be marked with the ISI Certification Mark, NOTIG -- `I'ho unu of tho 1SI Cortificntion Mark is governed by the provisionr of Lho lndiu Standards 11wtitution ( Cortificution Mnlks ) Act, and the Rules and ItogullLtiuns mudo thowundor. l'msonc~o of this mark on products covored by an Intliaul Stuudnrd convoys the r~sswz~t~w I hat tlwy have boon produced to comply with the roquimments of that standwd, uudo~ II wall-defined system of inspection, 6 IS : 3867 - 1966 This system, which is devised and testing end qU8lity controlduring production. supervised by ISI and opersted by the producer, has the further safeguard that. the produots 8s actuctlly marketed are continuously checked by 181 for conformi1.y LO the etanderd. Details of oonditions, under whidh a licence for the use of 1 ho I SI Certiloation Mark may be granted to manufacturers or processors, llu~y IJOi)l~~itin. ed from tb Indie,n Standards Institution. 5. PACKING 5.1 The between material may be packed in polyethylene the purchaser and the supplier. bags or as agreed to 6. SAMPLING 6.1 For the purpose of ascertaining in a consignment to this specification, for conformity shall be as prescribed the conformity of the rubber ice bags the scale of sampling and criteria in Appendix A. 7. TEST METHODS 7.1 The thickness of the rubber shall be measured with a thickness gauge reading to 0.05 mm or less, the foot of which shall exert a pressure of 200 g/cm2 on the rubber, 7.2 Tensile Strength and Elongation Test -The material shall be tested in accordance with the method prescribed in IS : 3400( ?art I )-1965*. with the 7.3 Ageing Test - The mr.+erial shall be tested in accordance method prescribed in IS : 3400 ( Part IV )-1965t, at the ageing temperature of 70" f 2°C for 168 h. 7.4 Tensiod Set 7.4.1 Apparatus - Any suitable apparatus capable of subjecting test Care is needed to ensure pieces to constant elongation, may be used. that the test piece does not creep out of the grips, slowly. 7.4.2 Temperature of Test - The test shall be carried out at 27" & 2°C. 7.4.3 Procedure - Stamp reference marks 50 mm apart on a parallelsided test piece 6 mm wide, cut from the sample>. Fix it in the apparatus and stretch it so that the distance between the gauge marks is 250 mm. Hold the test piece in this position for ten minlJtcs and release. Allow it to lie Qn a smooth flat surface for ten minutes and then measure Note the increase in this the distance bettieen the reference lines. distance and calculate as percentage of the original length. *Methods ol' Lo& f'or vulcanized l_ivJuOlotleol' I,OHL l'or vulcanized rubbers, I%% I `Jlensilo stress-strain properties. ru.bbors, Pa& IV Accoleratod ageing. 7 IS:3867-1966 out from each of the sample 7.5 Reaction to Aqueous Extract -Cut bags, selected at random for physical tests ( co1 6 of Table 2 ), a portion approximately equal to 10 g. From each test portion cut small pieces, 3 mm2. Put them into a chemically resistant glass flask, and add 300ml of distilled water (see IS : 1070-1960* ). Fit the flask with a water cooled reflux condenser with ground glass connections and heat the distilled water to boiling point and continue boiling for ha!f an hour. Detach the flask from the condenser and cover immediately to prevent any possible contamination. Cool the contents to room temperature. 7.5.1 To one portion of aqueous extract in 7.5 add 2 drops of methyl orange indicator ( see IS : 2263-1962t ). To another portion add one drop of phenolphthalene solution ( see IS : 2263-19621_ ). Screw the 7.6 Leakage Test - Fill the bag up to the neck with water. cap tightly in position and keep the bag with its contents suspended from its n'eck at room temperature for 2 hours. There shall be no sign After this, place the bag upof leakage or porosity during this period. side down horizontally for one hour at room temperature over a suitable plate or board of a size larger than that of the bag and having a flat surface, except for a hole or depression for accommodating the protruding neck of the bag and cap. There shall be no sign of leakage from any part of the bag body or closure during this period. APPENDIX ( Clause 6.1 ) SAMPLING A-l. SCALE A PLAN FOR RUBBER ICE BAGS OF SAMPLING A-l.1 Lot - All the ice bags of one type produced from the same mix of ray materials and processed exactly under identical conditions shall be grouped to constitute a lot. A-l.2 Each lot shall be examined separately for judging conformity to the requirements of this specification. For this purpose.a number of ice bags shall be selected at random from the lot. The number of bags to be selected shall depend on the size of the lot and shall be in accordance with co1 1 and 2 of Table 2. Wpecidcrtion for water, distilled quality ( revised ). tMethod8 of preparation of indicator solutions for volumetric 8 analysis. IS:3867-1966 TABLE 2 SCALE OF SAMPLING ( Uhue A-l .2 ) PBBYIMIBLQ No.or DIDPBOTIVES WITH BESPEOTTO 3.7 No. OF 1~ BAGS XNTHI LOT MO. or Iam BAGS TOBE SBLBOTQD No. OF Iam BAMITOB~P DWJDOTIV~~ T&TED TOB IN BESPEOT 3.1 OFCLAUSES OTHmB THAN PE~MIMIB~E No. or No. or Iom BAGS TO em T~T~DD FOB 3.5 AND 3.6 601 ;; 1000 1001 and'ebove A-l.3 The ice bags co1 1 and 2 of Table shall be made of tables are not readily shall be selected. at random in accordance with 2. In order to ensure randomness of selection, use In case random number random number tables. available, the following procedure may be adopted: Starting from any ice bag in the lot count them in one order as 1, 2, 3, up to r and so on. Where r is the integral part of N/ , N being the number of ice bags in the lot and n the number of ice r: ags to be selected. Every rth ice bag thus counted shall be withdrawn to constitute the sample. A-2. NUMBER OF TESTS AND CRITERION FOR CONFORMITY in A-l.2 and A-l.3 in accoidance with columns 1 and 2 of Table 2 shall bt examined for all the requirements of this specification except those specified in 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7. Any ice bag failing in one or more of the requirements shall be considered as The lot shall be deemed satisfactory in respect of these a defective. requirements if the number of defectives does not exceed the oorresponding number given in co1 3 of Table 2. Only the satisfactory lot shall be passed on for leakage test according to 3.7 and 7.6. A-2.2 The- lot having been found satisfactory in A-2.1 shall next be tested The number of ice bags to be tested for leakage according to 7.6. shall be in accordance with column 4 of Table 2 and shall be taken at 9 A-2.1 All the ice bags selected IS:3867-1966 random from those already selected. If the number of ice bags failing the test does not exceed the corresponding number specified in column 5 of Table 2, the lot shall be considered satisfactory in respect of this requirement and shall be passed on for further tests according to 3.5 and 3.6. A-2.3 If the lot has been found satisfactory in respect of leakage also then it will be subjected to the tests for requirements given in 3.5 and3.6. The number to be tested for the purpose shall be in accordance with column 6 of Table 2 and shall be taken at random from those already selected, The lot shall be considered to have met the requirements of this specification if none of the ice bag fails in the requirements of 3.5 and 3.6. 10 BUREAU OF Headquarters : INDIAN STANDARDS Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 Telegrams : Manaksanstha 31 13 75 ( Common to all Offices ) Telephone ( East ), 6 32 92 95 36 24 99 21843 { 3 1641 41 24 42 l 41 2519 (41 2916 2 63 48 { 2 63 49 22 48 05 6 27 16 5 36 27 22 10 a3 6 =I 6 21 { 21 6 34 98 68 a2 23 52 71 32 76 92 05 27 Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Telephones : 3 31 01 31,3 Regional Offices : *Western ; Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri BOMBAY 400093 tEastern Northern Southern : l/14 C I. T. Scheme VII M, V. I. P Road, Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054 : SC0 445-446, Sector 35-C CHANDIGARH 160036 : C. I. T. Campus, MADRAS 600113 Branch Offices : Pushpak,' Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMADABAD 380001 `F' Block, Unity Bldg, Narasimharaja Square, BANGALORE 560002 Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T. T. Nagar, BHOPAL 462003 Plot No. 82183, Lewis Road, BHUBANESHWAR 751002 5315 Ward No. 29, R. G. Barua Road, 5th Byelane, GUWAHATI 781003 5-B-56C L N. Gupta Marg, (Nampally Station Road), HYDERABAD 500001 R14 Yudhister Marg, C Scheme, JAIPUR 302005 117/41BB Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 Patliputra Industrial Estate. PATNA 800013 Hantex Bldg ( 2nd Floor ), Rly Station Road. TRIVANDRUM 695001 inspection Office ( With Sale Point ): Institution of Engineers PUNE 410005 ( India ) Building, 1332 Shivaji Nagar, 5 24 35 89 65 28 27 68 00 *Sales Officn in Bombay is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, Bombay 400007 tSales Office in Calcutta is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, P. 0. Princep Street. Calcutta 700072 Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India